18 DECEMBER 1942, Page 2

Madagascar and Fighting France

Again and again Germany and Vichy France have tried to make the French people believe that Britain, having occupied Madagascar, would remain there. The slander is completely refuted by the agree- ment that has been signed by Mr. Eden and General de Gaulle under which the temporary British administration comes to an end and French sovereignty is re-established. The French National Com- mittee in London has appointed General Legentilhomme to be High Commissioner, who will take over the government as soon as he arrives and will proceed to organise French military forces in the island both for its defence and for operations in other theatres of war. For the present the General Officer Commanding British troops in Madagascar will ensure the defence against external attack, and the powers conferred upon him for this purpose are clearly defined. This is an irterim arrangement to provide for the period in which the French forces are being organised. General de Gaulle testifies to his complete satisfaction with the agreement in a state- ment in which he asks the French people to observe that the British Government respects French sovereignty in the Empire and fulfils engagements scrupulously. Just as the British, having crushed the Italians invaders of Abyssinia, have restored to its own government its freedom and sovereignty, so in the case of Madagascar. And as in Madagascar, so it will be in French North Africa. The pretence that the Allies are occupying the latter country in their own interests is as hollow as the lie that they intended to retain Madagascar.