Shorter Notices South Wind. By Norman Douglas, with a New
Preface. (Seeker and Warburg. 8$. 6d.) South Wind. By Norman Douglas, with a New Preface. (Seeker and Warburg. 8$. 6d.) Tins new edition of Mr. Norman Douglas's most famous book, which has for some time been out of print, will be' welcome for its legible type and its introductory notes, in which Mr. Douglas recounts, in his usual vein of ironical detachment, his financial losses owing to the many pirated editions of this most successful book in the United States of America. The fact that at present it is legal for American publishers to steal the work of European authors, owing to the past refusal of the United States to be a party to the International Copyright Act, is one of those injustices 'which ought to be cleared away at the end of the war in the interests both of reputable American publishers and of European writers.