Mr. Woulfe, the new Irish Attorney-General, was reelected Mem- ber for Cashel on the 10th, without opposition.
The Tory papers say that Mr. Edward Hayes will again come for- ward for Donegal. If so, he seals only the more certainly the fete of nis colleague, Colonel Conolly ; for one or both of the present Mem- bers will certainly be ejected on the earliest opportunity.—Globe.
A circular has issued from the Treasury, calling on those del gymen who have received relief from the Million Luan to repay hack the same. [This will be au unwelcome summons to many ; but the me:- SODS who have collected their arrears by the aid of rebellion ruffians should certainly be made to refund.] The Tory papers in Dublin and in London have been puldishing a violent and absurd attack on 3Ir. t ECtumell, in the shape of a speech said to have been delivered by " Tom Steele ;" but Mr. Steele has &mom aed the balderdash as at forgery. The Orangemen, however, will probably still circulate it as genuine.
The Master of the Rolls (0•Loghlen) decided, on Saturday, that he would nut give costs in any tithe case wherein the plaintiff could
recover his debt at Quarter-sessions. The Dublin Evening Post says, "This, we believe, decides the tithe war."
A party of Orangemen in Cavan committed a murderous assault on some Catholics, near Ballyjamesduff, one day last week. They killed one man, and severely wounded many others. A Coroner's Jury re- turned a verdict of " Wilful Murder" against the assailants. No fur- ther particulars have yet been received.