18 FEBRUARY 1837, page 11

News Of T111: Su )1111 T1.1.lns.

The Corr missioners fcr Cohnlizil 4 South Australia have ta eeived lettiTs fiunh t :pi...! tt r part of the v. --,I• witteit :tie e , arlwied eon_ %Tying e e tile r s to the......

Saturday Ni Ght.

The Church party had a meeting to-day, at the Freemason's Tavern, to petition Parliament against the abolition of Church-rates. Of course the resolutions were carried, for the......

The Peers Managed To Do Some Business In A Small

way last night.. They read the Irish Grand Jury Bill a second time ; and amended the Suspension of Marriages Bill in Committee. It appears to have been very necessary that this......

It Appears From Last Night's Gazette, That The King Has

appointed Commodore Lord JOHN Hay to be a Companion of the Bath. Here we have another proof, that whatever complaint individuals may have against the Admiralty, that department......

The Ballot Bill.

WITH much satisfaction we now present our readers with a copy of Mr. Gaom's intended Bill " to enable Electors of Members to serve in Parliament to vote according to their own......

The Petition Of Mr. Lechmere Charlton To Be Discharged From

custody, was argued this morning in the Court of Chancery. The Lord Chancellor dismissed the petition, as insufficient, but gave leave to Mr. Criattur......

The State Of The Poll In Carlow On Wednesday Night

was—Vigors, 244; Bunbury, 239. At Dungarvan, the majority of Power over Galwey on Wednesday was 89.......