18 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 10


SATURDAY. TILE Paris papers which arrived this morning state, that much dis- satisfaction exists on account of the removal of CLAUSEL from the African command ; and that Marshals SOULT, Momoa, and GERARD, each sent his Aide-de-Camp to CLAUSI:L to assure him of their sym- pathy. A short time ago, everybody was angry with CLAUSEL; but now that the Government has turned round upon him, he is considered a much-injured person. It was believed in Paris, that orders had been sent to Toulon, to countermand those for the despatch of fresh troops to Algiers ; and the probability of an abandonment of its African. colony by France, at no distant period, was generally discussed. Letters from Tripoli mention that the plague has broken out in that city ; and it is surmised that the fear of infection has suspended the French armament.

GUIZOT'S eldest son, who had been ill for some time, died on Wed- nesday ; and on Thursday a maniac, who bad been a Professor in the University of France, but had since become a shoe-black, forced his way into GUIZOT'S house, in order to murder him. He was seized and sent to priscri. This event had created much sympathy for the Minis- ter in Paris.

The Chamber of Deputies has voted 150,000f. to increase the cuss tombouse force on the Spanish frontier. Several of the Paris jour- nals speculate on the cession of Cuba to England, which is deemed by no means an improbable event.