18 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 10

The Constitutional says that the presses. types, and printing apparatus

of Messrs. Hetherington and Cleave, which were seized for stamps under the old law, have been restored to them by direction of Mr. Spring Rice. We are glad of this : it is a popular and creditable act on the part of the Government.

We warn our readers to discredit, until its accuracy is proved, every account published in the newspapers of the cruelties said to be perpe- trated under the existing Poor.law. There appears to be a regular manufactory of lies to excite a clamour against the bill. A few days ago, the Morning Herald published a cock-and-bull story, headed " Horrible Working of the Poor-law Amendment Act : " the Com- missioners applied to the editor of that paper for some information as to where the alleged atrocities had occurred; and the editor could riot tell where, and inserted a contradiction of the falsehood. Nevertheless, the lying account was copied into a paper called the Agriculturist, and thence transferred into the Times, fur the edification of Mr. Walter ; who would doubtless have seasoned some of his tirades against the Poor-law with its " facts," if Mr. Chadwick had not written a letter to the Times denouncing the fabrication.

Mrs. Pond, widow of the late astronomer, and Mrs. AP Crie, widow of the historian of Knox, are each to have a pension of IDOL a year.