That leave he given to bring in a Bill to abolish the Property Qualification of Members of Parlismeut."
Sharpe, General Steuart, Robert Strangwaya, Hon. J. Strickland. Sir Geo. Strutt, Edward Stuart. Lord Dudley Stuart, Lod James Stuart, Villiers Talfourd, Mr. Serg. Tattered, Henry W. Thompson, Colonel Thornely, Thomas Tulk, Charles Aug. Villiers, Charles P.
nkley, Thomas Walker, Charles A. Wallace, Robert Warburton, Henry Ward, Henry George Whalley, Sir Samuel White, Samuel Wilks, John Williams, William TELLERS. Molesworth, Sir W. Leader, Mr.
Richards, John Richards, lticliard Bickford,
Robinson, George R. Ross, Charles Rushbrooke, Colonel Russell, Lord John Ssndersou, Richard Saudou. Lord Vis. Scott. Sir E. D. Scourfield, Warn!. Shuw, Hon. F. Sheppard, Thomas Shirley:, E. J. Somerset. Lord G. Stanley. Edward J. Stewart. Joint Sturt, Henry Charles Trevor, Hon. G. Rice Troubridge, Sir E. T. Vere, Sir Charles B. Vesey, Hon. T. Vvvyan, Sir Richard Walter, John Williams, Robert Wilson. flenry Wool, Colunel T. Worsl,y, Lord Wottley, lion. J. S. Wynn, lion. C. W, Youug, George F.
Tr 1.1,5PS. Trevor, Arthur Maclean, Mr.