The Abercrombie Robinson. Scott, for 111:oltas ; and Prince George, Chilcalt, for Ceylon; have put back to Falmouth, having experienced heavy gales: the latter is leaky and discharging. Arrived—At Deal. Feb.16, City of Edinburgh. Frazer, from Madras; George Can' ning, Winn, from Bombay; Penyaril lark, Middleton; and Miranda, Hopper, from Mauritius. At Bristol, 14th, Mary Bulmer, Cant, from Mauritius. At Liverpool,12th, Sarah Birkett, Atkin, from Singapore. At the Cape. Dec. 14th, Time, Py bus. front London. At Madras, Oct. 16th, heroine, M'Carthy. from London; and Memnon, Ekin, from Liverpool. Sailed—From Gravesend, Feb. 14th, Dauntless. Finder; Lysander. Currie; and 1504 Roseudale, Friend, for Bengal; and Aurora, Cox. fur Madras. From Liverpool, 15th, Formidable, Stagg, for Singapore ; and Crown, Punsunby, for Bengal.