Vat Count rr The Tory candidate for Butkinghamslire. Mr. Harcourt,
was not allowed to walk over the course. Ou Ttw-.1iy, the day of nomination, Mr. Leader appeared on the hustings at A■1. shury, and proposed Mr. George Dashwoud, the Liberal son of Sir John Dashwood King. Lord Nugent appeared for Mr. Desire ood ; arid thus an opposition was got up just in time to prevent Mr. Harcourt's triumphant journey to London to vote for the Qualification-laws. The return was made out, a carriage and four engaged, and every preparation completed ; but alas ! the carriage and four took the melancholy news of a contest, not a " return," to the Carlton. The polling commenced on Thursday : and at the close of that day the numbers were—for Harcourt, 1611; Dashwood, 713. Yesterday, on the final close, they stood thus—Har- court, 2,228; Dashwood, 982; majority, l.V6. This result was of course expected. There were no piepurations made by the Liberals. The whole affair was a dash by Mr. Leader ; but it bus disturbed the quiet reign of Toryism in Buckinghamshire, bled the Tory candidate, and (to judge from the outcry about expense) perhaps has disabled him from engaging in the approaching general election. The annoyance of the Tories is excessive. Mr. Harcourt's vote is not worth the cash his return has cost.
The requisition to the Marquis of Douro to stand for Norwich is signed by 1571 registered voters. Perhaps a skilful attorney, with his pocket full of cash, could procure the signatures of a huge number of the very same registered electors of Norwich to any other candidate.
Mr. Farnham of Quorndon is talked of as a candidate to oppose Mr. Charles March Phillips at the next election for North Leicester- shire.
In consequence of the intended retirement of Mr. Howard Elphin- stone front the representation of Hastings, Alr. Robert IIollond, a gehtleman of ample fortune and a Radical Reformer, will become a exiii.idate for that borough..