A correspondent suggests a step which would indulge the appetite
of honourable Members and noble Lords for "discussion," without occupy- ing the valuable time of Parliament by crude conclusions, or creating an illusory but perhaps an inexpedient appearance of dissension. The plan would provide useful employment for those zealous debaters. It is pro- posed that the two Houses should appoint a joint Committee to review all the transactions in the East, with all the documents, and all the sugges- tions, for a practical purpose; the Committee to consist of Lord Clanri- carde, Mr. Henry Baillie, Lord Malmesbury, Mr. Layard, Lord Derby, Lord Dudley Stuart, Mr. Disraeli, Lord Grey, Colonel Sibthorp, and Mr. Cobden. This Committee should be instructed to suggest and ar- range the plan which Ministers ought to have pursued in the East; to sit continuously, and to report as soon as they should have arrived at an unanimous resolution.