Theatrical Condemnations Are Now Of So Rare Occurrence,...
younger order of playgoers most have contemplated with something like a feeling of awe, the summary justice inflicted on The Love-look, a luck- less dramatic legend, which was......
(6t) Quarto.
The lively vaudeville of Un Mari gut se ddrange, with its abundant incident and its somewhat lax moral atmosphere, has been moved from the region of modern Paris to that of......
The musical season is not yet begun—it is understood to date from the opening of the Italian Opera and the commencement of the Philharmonic Concerto, which generally take place......
-- The Hundred-and-thirteenth Anniversary Festival Of The...
held on Thursday. It was likewise the inauguration of Sir George Clerk in the office of President, to which he was lately elected on the death of the gallant veteran Lord......
A Sudden And Mysterious Closing Of The Lyceum, In The
course of last week, having led to certain comments in the "Sunday press," by no means flattering to the manager, Mr. C. Mathews has addressed a sort of autobiographical letter......
Mr. Lindsay &leper Had His First Chamber Concert On Tuesday
evening, —an elegant entertainment, fashionably attended. Mr. Sloper is one of our moat accomplished pianists ; and he showed hemself to be so by his finished execution of......
Money Market.
STOCUL EXCHANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. the market by the public, and at first produced a slight improvement ; after- in the week, but lower prices have since ruled, this may also be......
Progress Of Parliamentary Business Nuance The Week Endteg...
House of Commons. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Ministerial. Title. By whom introduced. Stage arrived at. Parliamentary Reform : Bill to amend the Representation of the People in......