the market by the public, and at first produced a slight improvement ; after- in the week, but lower prices have since ruled, this may also be reported of vour of England. At St. Petersburg, some anticipations of peace at an early Britain steamer on Tuesday was valued at 657,800/. The monthly account the bullion being limited to 600,0001.: the advances on securities had les- and Bank Stock 1 better this week. Exchequer Bills have improved 1. Three per Cents, 1; Granada Deferred, 1 ; Spanish Deferred, and Certificates, for the Bondholders. Advices from the River Plate regarding Montevideo which there was only a partial reaction. Yesterday, greater firmness was livered during the summer and autumn. The gold brought by the Great of the Bank of France is less adverse than had been expected, the decline in leave off at 911 1 for Money and 911 f for Account : * more is frequen asked for immediate delivery than for the March settlement. India is *; Mexico has declined I. From Venezuela the accounts attach great blame parations for war, have occasionally this week exercised a salutary influence wards some extensive speculative sales caused them to recede to 91; from exhibited, and Consols closed at 91* a. The French Funds were better early the Vienna Stocks. At Hamburg and Amsterdam, the exchanges are in fa- period are entertained, evidenced by the large contracts for tallow to be de- sened, and the Treasury balance rather increased. Today the Funds opened stronger, and Consols at one period touched 92; after some variations, they Five and Dutch Four per Cents, 1; Dutch Two-and-a-half, and Spanish to the Government in its financial arrangements, and anticipate little hope now be produced on any renewed attempt at negotiations with Russia. A predicted scarcity of Consols on the arrangement of the Account added to their support, and on Tuesday they realized 92k; closing lower. Upon the settlement, on the following day, a large amount of Stock was taken off OR the Funds; and from the futility of the past, a contrary effect would
The immediate embarkation of troops for Constantinople, and other pre- Foreign Stocks have been firm, and the following have improved—Danish are pacific, and anticipations of future tranquillity entertained, through the occupation of the country by Brazilian troops. The Government are endea- vouring to contract a loan in Paris of 2,400,0001., in a 6 per cent stock at 70, and establish a hank of issue.
Railways have been on the average well supported. The settlement passed off satisfactorily. An advance of 10s. to 1/. occurred on Monday in several of the leading lines : this was maintained until Wednesday, when a slight depression occurred. Yesterday there was a recovery, and the difference in some of the principal Shares compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase— Great Northern, 21.; Bristol and Exeter, East Lancashire, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11.; Lancashire and York- shire, and South-Eastern, 15s. ; Caledonian, London, Brighton, and South Coast, Midland, North British, and York and North Midland, 10s. ; London and North-Westem, 5s. Decrease—Lancaster and Carlisle, 1/. ; Great Western, 10s. In Foreign Shares the improvement has been—Luxembourg, and Paris and Orleans, 1/. ; Rouen and Havre, and Sambre and Meuse, 108.; Namur and Liege have fallen 6s.; and Northern of France, 28. 6d. Today the English and French lines are a shade better.
The half-yearly meeting of the London and South-Western Company was held yesterday : the report was adopted, and a dividend declared at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. The Great Western meeting has been adjourned to Wednesday the 22d instant. The Blackwell Company propose a dividend
of 48. per share. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'Croca.
The English Funds are steady this morning at the prices of yesterday ; Consols for Money being 911 1, and for Account 911 f. Exchequer Bills 18 22. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 23,155/. The March Exchequer Bills have been advertised for payment on the 9th of next month, or to be renewed at the present rate of interest until the 2d. In Foreign Stocks no alteration has occurred. Railways are rather firm ; the present bargains are these—Aberdeen, 20; Great Northern, 901; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 66*; York and North Midland, 49t. Danish 3 per Cents 80 2
Dutch 21 per Cents 61 2 Ditto 4 per Cents 92 3
Mexican 3 per Cents 24's 04
Peruvian 41 per Cents 66 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 46 8 Portuguese 4 per Cents 37 9
Russian 5 per Ceuta 101 6
Ditto 41 per Cents 89 91
Ditto Deferred 41131 I
Spanish 3 per Cents nts Sardinian 5 perCents 84 6 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 90 3 per Ceat Consols 91 Ditto for Account 91 4 3 per Cent Reduced 92 31 per Cents 93 Long Annuities 51 Bank Stock 217 18 Exchequer Bills 18 22 India Stock 232 5
Austrian 5 per Cents
82 5 Brazilian 5 pel• Cents 97 9
Belgian 41 per Cents
88 92 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 2 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2