Tuesday, February 14. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-H. and P. Webster, East Dereharn, Norfolk, grocers --Boyd and Co. Clayton-le-Moors, Lancashire, calico-printers-Gott and Co. Bingley, Yorkshire, millwrights-Goldthorp and Lee, Thornhill, Yorkshire, corn-millers- Collick and Co. Upper Thames Street, druggists-W. and II. Bradley, Hull, corn- factors-A. and 0. Murray, Manchester, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards G. Murray--Sweet and Gibson, Nottingham, painters-Knight and Co. Maidstone, whartingere-Borwick and Priestley. London Wall, dry salters-Higgins and Co. Hampstead Road, drapers-Lloyd and Co. Shelton, Staffordshire, earthen ware-manu- facturers-Sargeson and Jex, Holbeacb, painters-Pemberton and Openshaw, Oswald- twisle, Lancashire, manufacturing chemists-Clarke and Co. Breage,Cornwall, deal- ers in tin ores-Taylor and Son. Birmingham, hatters-Curry and Fuller, Aldersgate Street, winemerchants-Barritt and Co. Manchester, tailors-Gripper and Soii, Layer Breton, Essex, farmers-Bowe/1 and Wharton, Aslacton, Norfolk, farmers- Judson and Wilson, Bermondsey, merchants -J. and IL Dawson, Newell, Yorkshire, farmers-Duckworth and Co. Drybank, Rochdale, coal-proprietors; as far as regards J. Duckworth-Mumford and Lovegrove, Nottingham, laceuoen-Taylor and Co. Lockwood, woollen-cloth-finishers. Bastwarexs.-Wasnittorost YAEROLL and THOMAS HALLAM, High Street, Borough, tailors, to surrender Feb. 22, April 5 solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official as- signee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Bromism ALPE, Duke Street, milliner, Feb. 20, April 2; solicitors, Linklaters, Sine Lane ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street- GEORGE /Moons, Tunbridge Wells, tailor, Feb. 25, March 51: solicitors, Rich- ardson and Co. Bedford Row ; Foreman. Tunbridge Wells; official assignee, Whit- more, Basinghall Street-JAMES HEATHWAITE, King Street, Covent Garden, cheese- monger, Feb. 24, March 27; sOlicitors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry ; official assig- nee, Cannon, Aldermanbury-ALExANDEE .SrcAnT, Queen's Road West, grocer, Feb. 23, March 30: solicitor, Fitch, Union Street, Southwark; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street-FREDERICK Jamas WEST, London Terrace, Hackney. draper, Feb. 24, March 28: solicitor, Jones, Site Lane, Bucklerabury; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-Titoass BALLiNoan, Birmingham, confectioner, Feb. 23. March 22: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham- J.sitss .0tanwr, Nottingham, currier, -Feb. 24, March 17: solicitor. Coope, Notting- ham; official assignee, Barris, -Nottingham-CnAarms Lassa, Crossland, Lincoln- shire, grocer, Feb. 24, March 17: solicitors, Hill and Matthews, St. Mary Axe ; and Bray and Bridges, Birmingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham—ROWLAND Hui, Nottingham, lace-merchant, Feb. 24, March 17: solicitor, Shilton, Notting- ham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham—ISAAC DEWRIIIST, Halifax, commission- agent, Feb. 27, March 28: solicitors, Rudd and Kenny, Halifax ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds—Rica/au) GEORGE BEESLEY, Manchester, cot- ton-spinner, Feb. 24, March 17: solicitors, Atkinson and Last, Manchester ; official assignee, Pott, Manchester—JOSKPli Gases, Manchester, warehouseman, Feb. 28, March 28: solicitors, Norris and Allen, Bedford Row ; Norris, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDSNDS.—March 8, Jenkins. Mile End Road, victualler—March 8, Cundall, Old Bond Street, publisher—March 9, J. and J. Boyd, Wellington Chambers, South- wark, hop-merchants—March 16, Klug, New Bond Street, revalenta arabica im- porter—March 17, Minnitt, Mansfield, seed-merchant—March 17, Bradbury, Derby, builder—March 24, James, Lento°, Nottinghamshire, lace-maker—March 24, Fidda- man, Newark-upon-Trent. currier—March 22, Williams, Birmingham, linen-draper —March 22, Reading, Birmingham, draper—Marsh 22, Nickliu, Wolverhampton. ironmonger—March 9, Sibson, Grove, Denbighshire, cattle-dealer--March 9, Lilley and Ashman, Liverpool, merchants. OEUTIFICATES.—To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.— March 8, Ambrose, Sheerness, ironmonger—March 8, Hinde, Bedford, plumber—March 16. Wright, Holywell Street, Shoreditch, victualler—March 22, Dawber, Lincoln, butcher—March 10, Dodd, lietton-le-Ilole, Durham, grocer— March 8, Reading, Birmingham,firaper—March 17, Minnitt, Mansfield, Nottingham- shire, seed-merchant. DECLARATIONS or DITIDENDS.—Clark, Oxford, livery-stable-keeper ; first div. of 2s. 7d. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street- Elliston, Cambridge, brewer ; second die. of 5s. tad. on the separate estate of Nutter and Elliston, Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street —Trangmar, Crawford Street, Marylebone, hardwareman; first die, of id. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Rave and Mortimer, Bury, silk-dyers ; first div. of 8s. 6d. (on new proofs.) any Tuesday; Heruaman, Manchester—Crook, Preston, manufacturer ; first div. ot Ls. 7d. any Tuesday • Hernaman, Manchester— Walker, Staleybridge, grocer; first div. of 8s. 6d. any Tuesday; Hernaman, blanches- ter—Wood and Wilding, Openshaw, boiler-makers ; first div. of 6s. 8d. any Tuesday; llernaman, Manchester—Rutherford, Manchester, merchant ; first div. of 5s. 5d. any Tuesday; Pott, Manchester. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.— Longish', Glasgow, innkeeper, Feb. 23—Knox, Foulden Beattie, Berwick, shoe-maker, Feb. 24.
Friday, February 17.
PART:seam:nes DISSOLVED.—Swith and Godfrey, Oporto, nine-merchants—Potts and Co. Chapel-en-le-Frith, cotton-wadding-manufauturers—Whitehurn and Son, Featherstone Buidings, jewellers—Levy, Brothers, London—Wilkinson and Sme- thurst, Nag's Head Buildings, High Street, Southwark, sinegar-inerchanta—Kretchy and Brenner, Manchester, merchant-tailors—Walker and Co. Crescent Place, Black- friars, blacking-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. E. Walker—Halliwell and Law- ton, Saddleworth, cotton-spinners—J. and J. Whitely, Halifax, ironworkers—Pro- them and Thomas, North Street, Peckham, carpenters—Scarborough and Purdy, Birkenhead, gas-fitters—Bostock and Horton, Hanley, Staffordshire, engineers— Phillips and Tall, Devonport, builders—Wheeler and Whittington. Birmingham, coal-dealers—Flintan and Co. Chertsey, seed-crushers—Drew and Son, Melcombe Regis, pastrycooks—Chidson and Co. Liverpool, mercers; as far as regards W. 1). Cludson—Bonnell and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, wormed-spinners; as far as regards F. Hinings—Clarke and Ai•Leod, Friday Street, Gheapside, commission-agents—S. and S. Lowe, Derby, silk-manufacturers—Waller anti Polglate, Rose Lane, Radcliff, smiths—Whateley and Co. Birmingham, pearl-button-makers; as far as regards W. Broughton and D. Grayston—Cox and Co. Walbrook, auctioneers—C. and J. Adlard, Bartholomew Close, printers—May and Button, Clevedoo, Somersetshire, boarding- school-keepers—W. and T. S. Scott, Liverpool, architects—Fox and Morrell, Leeds, joiners—Marsh and Winter, Grantham, railway-contractors—M`Donald and Leslie, Quickset Row, New Road—Blatkie and Sons, Aberdeen, plumbers ; as far as regards J. Blaikie.
BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.—JOHN EDWARD LOADER, Devonshire Street, Mile End, builder.
BANKRDPTIL—BENRY ERSKINE WETDEDED, Churton Street, Pimlico, linen-draper, to surrender March 3, April 6; solicitors, Depree and Austin, Lawrence Lane ; offi- cial assignee, Johnson, 13asinghall Street—Br-wants Passive, Artillery Street, . Bermondsey, stone-mason, March 3, 31: solicitor, Butler, Tolley Street; official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbury—VatearmE BENET GAY, Blackfriars Road, • tailor, March 1, 28: solicitor, Greville, Lombard Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—limier WRITM012E, Stockport, tailor, March 1, April 19: soli- citors, Tilleard and Co. Old Jeury ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- . Ramses) REMY, Ladbroke Terrace, Notting IL11, merchant, March 1, April 19: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—SAmrst BIRCHASI ALPE, Doke Street, Manchester Square, milliner, February 20, April 5: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise lane; official assignee, Nicholson, Basingliall Street—Joins otherwise Jones BERGTHEIL, Abchurch Lane, merchant, February 22, March 21: solicitors,.Reyroux and Bromehead, Old Broad Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basmgliall Street—Jonsr CON- ain't BLACKLOCK and THOMAS ItolunsoN. Birmingham, drapers. March 4. April 1: solicitors, Wills and Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Ilittleston, Birmingham—EnwaRD BANES BREEN, Bilston, Staffordshire, ironmonger, March 7: solicitors, Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; Smith, Wolverhampton ; official as- signee, Christie, Birmingham—THOMAS (+STEARIN .Derby, iron-merchant, March 7, 30: solicitor, East, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham—Joni: Ronwar, Gloucester, victualler, Feb. 28, March 28: solicitor, Smalridge. Glou- cester; official assignee. Acraman, Bristol—EDWARD ROBEILTS, Chard, Somerset- shire. innkeeper, Feb. 27, March 21: solicitors, Carelake, Bridgwater; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter—Josarn PARRY, Liverpool, bricklayer, March 1, 27: solicitors, Christian and Jones, Liverpool ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool—ROBERT OLEASHY, Eccles, Lancashite, builder, March 3, 24: solicitor, Mareland, Bolton ; official assignee, Hernarnan, Manchester—Emmaus Sarno jun. Swinton, Lancashire, coal-owner, Feb. 28, March 22: solicitor, Hodgson, Manches- ter; official assignee, Pott, Manchester—Thomas Youszo, North Shields, ship- - builder, Feb. 24, March 31: solicitors, Holmeand Co. New Inn, Strand ; Finley, North Shields ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Dreinmins.—March 11, Rollings, Portsmouth, stay-manufacturer—March 11, 'Rockdale, Strand, bookseller—March 11, Smith, Gloucester Place, statuary—March 11, Aldrich, lpsnich, corn-merchant—March 11, Lucas, Hingham, Norfolk, grocer —March 11, Winter, Brighton, livery-stable-keeper—March 14, Rochat, St. Mar- tin's Lane, watch-maker—March 14, Ackland, Brixton, merchant—March 14, Caw- ' thorn junior, Salisbury- Street, Strand, wine-merchant—March 10, Tomlinson, Man- chester, publican—March 13, G. and J. Barton, Manchester, copper-roller-manufac- turers.
CERTIFICATES.—To be granted, miles, cause be show* to the contrary, on the day of nweling.—March 14, Sadler, Vere Street, Clare Market, tallow-chandler—March 14, ' Connop, New Finales, Road, St. John's Wood, bill-broker—March 14, Emery, Leighton Buzzard, grocer—March 10, Read, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, victualler- ' March 11, Mundy, Palace Row, New Road, cow-keeper—March 10, Le Grand, Lam- beth Walk, grocer—March 14, Watts, Tiverton, hatter—March 13, Mercer, Man- chester, plumber—Starch 14, Mellor, Maneheater, innkeeper—March 11, Wilson, Sheffield, knife-manufacturer—March 11, Smith, Oloncester Place, statuary. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.— Cray, Southainpton, grocer; first div. of Sr.. 514 on Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Moorgate Street— Knight sen. and Knight jun. Walborn Green' butchers; first div. of 11d. on Wed- nesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Moorgate Street—Wyon, • Regent Street, engraver ; second div. of 70. on Wednesday next, and three subse- quent Wednesdays ; Lee, Moorgate Street—Kerridge, Deptford, cheesemonger; first div. of Is. 9d. on Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays • ;Lee, Moorgate Street—Bowles, Newgate Street, meal-salesman; second div, oi9s. on Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Moorgate Street—Will- son, Cambridge, grocer ; second div. of 5d. on Wednesday next, and three subse- quent Wednesdays ; Lee, Moorgate Street—Ready, Holywell Street, Shoreditch, oilman ; first div. of 3s. 6d. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury—Collins, Middle Yard, Great Queen Street, wheelwright ; second div. of Is. 2d. any Monday ; Can- nan, Aldermanbury—E. C. and E. W. Fyffe, Howford Buildings, Fenchurch Street, and E. Fyffe, Calcutta, merchants ; second div. of 41d. any Monday; Cannan, Alder- manbury—Stewart, Craven Place, Old Kent Road, clerk; fourth div. add. any Mon- day ; Canaan, Aldermanbury—Bateman, Earl's Court Terrace, Old Brompton, book- keeper; third div. of 3s. 7d. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury—Johnson, Wake- field, cabinet-maker ; second div. of 8s. 2d. any Mondayor Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds— Dixon, Falmouth, printer; first and final div. of 23. 3d. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hernaman, Exeter.
Bccacir Bzurazrainoig.—Cooper, Aberdeen, currier, Feb. 24.