ADMIRALTY, Feb. 14.-Corps of Royal Marines-Second Lieut. J. C. Travers to be First Lieut. vice R. G. Heathy, to half-pay.
ADMIRALTY. Feb. 10.--The following promotions, dated the 11th instant, have this day taken place, consequent on the death, on the 10th instant, of Vice-Admiral of the Red the Hon. G. Poulett : Vice-Admiral of the White C. J. Johnston to be Vice-Admiral of the Bed; Vice-Admiral of the Blue C. S. J. Hawtayne to be Vice.. Admiral of the White; Rear-Admiral of the Red the lion. AV. Gordon to be Vice- Admiral of the Blue ; Rear-Admiral of the White Sir J. G. Sinclair, Bait, tube Rear- Admiral of the Red ; Rear-Admiral of the Blue H. IV. Bruce to be Rear-Admiral of the White; Capt. J. Leith to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue.