A Year with the Turks ; or Sketches of Travel in the European and Asiatic Dominions of the Sultan. By Warington W. Smyth, M.A. The Unity of the _Yew Testament : a Synopsis of the first three Gospels
and of the Epistles of St. James, St. Jude, St. Peter, and St. Paul.
By Frederick .Denison Maurice, M.A., Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn. ..41aude Talbot. By Holme Lee. In three volumes.
The Encyclopedia Britannica ; or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and
General Literature. Eighth edition. With extensive improvements
and additions; and numerous Engravings. Volumes III, and IV. [In a time of less pressure these volumes, albeit an eighth edition, would justify a fuller notice than can at this season be bestowed upon them ; for they teem with important subjects by eminent writers. The third volume opens with an elaborate article on "Anatomy," the fourth closes with "Bolivia." Galloway, Playfair, Henderson, and Main have contributed their knowledge and power to "Astronomy." Doctors Browne and Schmitz handle "Athens" and "Attica." Emerie Szabad brings the power of selecting and presenting the leading events and circumstances in the history of a country to the exhibition of "Austria," which he lately displayed in his volume on Hungary. Macaulay has a notice of "Atterbury," more measured than is his wont. Mr. Burton, the biographer of Hume and his- torian of Scotland, undertakes "Ballot," "Bankruptcy," and "Jeremy Bentham." Mr. Graham contributes a notice of" Beethoven." We might fill a column with names and subjects ; but let a word be said on a point where mistakes are often made, that is scale. The plan of adapting the length of the papers less to the nature of the work than the material readily at hand seems to have been rigidly avoided in the volumes before us ; and though some readers may occasionally be disappointed on turning to a striking subject by a well-known hand and finding it treated curtly, this is in reality a proof of presiding judgment.]
Contributions to Literature, Historical, Antiquarian, and iletrkal. By Mark Antony Lower, M.A., F.S.A., &c.
[Mr. Lower of Lewes is known for many pleasant contributions to antiquarian literature, and for a curious and popular essay on "English Surnames." In the volume before us, he has collected several of his fugitive papers on sub- jects of more general interest than arehmological discussions often possess,— as the Battle of Hastings, the South Downs, Local Nomenclature ; treated, too, in a manner which archreologists do not often attain. To the reprinted articles he has added some new essays, and tried his hand at an imitation of the old ballad on traditional or historical incidents.] Reports on Epidemic Cholera. Drawn up at the desire of the Cholera Committee of the Royal College of Physicians. By William Daly, M.D., and William W. Gull, M.D., Members of the Committee. [A medico-official publication, to which we shall endeavour to return. In the mean time, we may say that the ample volume contains an elaborate re- port on the symptoms and phenomena of cholera from the statistics collected at the Registrar-General's Office, and the answers given by medical men to the circulars issued in the name of the Cholera Committee, together with theoretical inferences drawn from those facts as regards the causes, treatment, and prevention of the disease. A copious appendix follows, in which the facts contained in the answers of medical men to the circular of questions sanc- tioned by the College of Physicians are tabulated, or exhibited in other forms. Various maps and diagrams, showing the distribution of the disease and the deaths in different aspects throughout England, accompany the text.] An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on which are founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities. By George Boole, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College, Cork.
[Logic in its larger as well as in its more technical sense is the subject of this work, with which are combined the laws of probability ; both being carried further than usual, in order to investigate the laws of thought them- selves. As algebraic calculations are introduced, not only into the subject of probability but into portions of the logic, the work is necessarily abstruse ; in fact, its perusal, or rather its study, can only be attempted by a person who is to some extent acquainted with algebra, and with logic as commonly learned.]
The Ultimate and Proximate Results of Redemption : chiefly deduced from the Oath sworn unto Abraham. By H.E. Head, A.M., Rector of Feuiton, Devon.
[Although it is possible fairly to deduce a great deal from the germ of any- thing by making use of subsequent results, yet the exercise may savour too much of ingenuity in questions which it is desirable to have rendered broad and plain. Mr. Head contrives to fill a volume and bring in many thinge relating to Redemption ; but it is by taking seguentia rather than conse- guentia in connexion with the oath to Abraham, which gives something of a desultory air to his work. His views are Protestant, and in some degree resemble those of Maurice respecting the eternity of future punishments. Mr. Head holds that in the end every one shall be saved ; that "life as well as righteousness in Christ shall be extended ultimately to all."] A Treatise on the Episcopate of the Ante-Nicene Church, (with especial reference to the early position of the Roman See.) By the Reverend George M. Gorham, B.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Crosse University Scholar.
The Colonist's and Emigrant's Handbook of the Mechanical Arts. By Robert Scott Burn, Engineer.
[A very capital work, which no intending agricultural emigrant, or indeed farmer in a remote district at home, should be without ; for it will furnish him with hints or information that be may often turn to account. Unlike many so-called handbooks, this work of Mr. Burn is thoroughly practical ; teaching the reader what he must learn, but not overwhelming him with directions useless in his position, or possibly in any position except that of a professor. In the compass of 130 pages, and in a plain practical manner, Mr. Burn carries his reader through house-planning and building, from a single room to a residence of comfort and some little appearance ; the cog- nate arts of joinery, smith- work, and so forth following. He has moreover brief but sufficient directions on enclosing land, road-making, well-sink- ing, and brick-making, with fuller instructions for colonial agricultural build- ings. The text is fully illustrated by wood-cuts.]
Five Years in the Land of Refoge. A Letter on the Prospects of Co- operative Associations in England, addressed to the Members of Coun- cil of the late Society for Promoting Working Men's Associations, now reconstituted under the title of the "Association for Promoting In- dustrial Provident Societies." By M. Jules Lecbevalier St. Andre, late a Member of the Council, and late Manager of the Central Co- operative Agency. [M. St. Andre was appointed supervisor of the London Cciiperative store in Charlotte Street, the capital to establish which was supplied by Mr. Edward Vansittart Neale. After a year's exertions, 11. St. Andre tendered his re- signation to the Committee, which was accepted ; and this publication con- tains a variety of documents relative to cooperation as attempted in Eng- land, and an explanation of the particular business with which the author was connected. This explanation is not very clear or interesting to third parties, but it indicates the difficulties cooperative societies must meet with, even when the capital is found for them. The first obstacle was, that few of the working classes would buy at the store established for their especial benefit.] First Italian Course : being a practical and easy Method of Learning the Italian Language. Edited from a German work by Fillipi after the method of Dr. Ahn, and adapted by numerous additions for the use of English learners. By W. Brownrigg Smith, M.A., Second Classical Master of the City of London School. [This little volume is an attempt to introduce into this country what Dr. Alm calls the natural method of teaching languages,—meaning thereby, the way in which a child learns its mother tongue. No system of teaching, however, can reach that method; because it must be deficient in the stimu- lus applied by the child's wants, the actual presence of things or persons, and the sympathetic imitation of life. It fails, too, in the matter of time :
lesson lasts for a little while, the natural teaching goes on during the child's waking life.
The principle of this .First Italian Course is not new ; it has been ap- plied to various languages, according to the nature of the tongue. The book consists of a series of progressive exercises, beginning with a few very simple sentences, illustrative of some simple rule, which the pupil is to master thoroughly, thus gradually acquiring a vocabulary of common words and common rules of grammar. By the time he has gone through the course, he is presumed to be fitted for more systematic stud)] Clinton: a Book for Bove. By William Simonds, Author of "Boy's Own Guide," &o. With filustrations.
[An American juvenile and didactic tale, designed to illustrate the importance of early habits of truth, obedience, and industry, the danger of intercourse with unprincipled and vicious companions, and the necessity of being able to say no when tempted to do wrong. American country manners and in- dustrial pursuits give the interest of novelty and of information also to the story, which deals more plainly with the realities of life than is customary at home. The book has a map of the village and district in which the scene is principally laid ; an idea that if generally introduced into fictions would save a world of description and some strain upon the reader's attention.] The Broken Sword, or a Soldier's Honour ; a Tale of the Allied Armies of 1757. By Adelaide O'Keeffe, Author of "Patriarchal Times," &c. [A tale of the last century; carrying the reader from England to France, and introducing him to French provincial and courtly life, as well as to the German wars of Frederick by the figure called retrospection. It is quite a tale of mystery after the oldfashioned style, with some of the oldfashioned spirit.] The French Revolution ; a Poem. By Joseph Monier. Canto the Se- cond.
[The ostensible theme of this "poem" is the portion of the first French Re- volution embraced between the meeting of the States-General and the capture of the Bastile. The other topics introduced include Nicholas of Russia, the Turkish war, Napoleon the Iirst and Third, sundry contemporary poets, the author and his work. The style is a servile imitation of _Don Juan.] Algeria: the Topography and History, Political, Social, and Natural, of French Afric.r. By John Reynell [An elaborate compilation on the geography purring into topography of Algeria, as well as of its history, statistics, manners, customs, &c. As the practical interest connected with the French colony and adjoining territories is slight or nothing, the book appears to be executed on too full a scale, .especially as it is somewhat encyclopredic in parts. There is a large map by Wyld, "after official documents," with plenty of wood-cuts.] The Elements of Natural Philosophy; or an Introduction to the Study of the Physical Sciences. By Golding Bird, M.A., M.D., F.It.S., &c„, late Assistant Physician to and Professor of Materia Medics at Guy's Hospital ; and Charles Brooke, M.A., MB., F.R.S., &c., Surgeon to the Westminster Hospital, &a. The fourth edition, revised and greatly enlarged.
Tilbury Fort—Wind against Tide. From the Original Picture in the possession of Robert Stephenson, Esq., M.P. [Mr. Stanfield's picture of this subject has been engraved by Mr. J. T. Will. moreas the Art-Union print to be distributed to subscribers for the present year. It is decidedly, in subject, treatment, and rendering, one of the most creditable productions issued by the society. Mr. Stanfield's style and talent are particularly well represented in it ; and the engraver has done the painter and himself justice. The middle distance has a great deal of careful detail; the water is just a trifle scratchy, but free, moving, and character- istic.]
JF7to shall Make the Law-makers? A Question, with Answer at- tempted.
Comments, by Lieutenant-General Sir William Napier, S.C.B., upon a Memorandum of the Duke of .Wellington, and other Documents, censuring Lieutenant-General Charles James .‘Yapier, G.C.B. With a Defence of Sir C. Napier's Government of Scinde, by Captain Rath- bone, Collector of Scinde.
Considerations on Tactics ; more particularly on the Combination of the Three Arms of War, in Camps, in Exercise, and in Battle. By an Artillery Officer.
Plan of Site proposed for New Courts in Lincoln's Inn Fields. With suggested Improvements of the Accesses and a new Thoroughfare be- tween the Strand and Holborn.
Where shall the New Law Courts be Built? By an Old Law Reformer, the Author of " Considerations on Ecclesiastical Courts Reform," &c, Plea for a Colonial and Missionary College at Cambridge, addressed to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. By J. R. Crowfoot, B.D., Divinity Lecturer of King's College, Cambridge, late Fellow of Gon- ville and Caius College.
Colonial and International Postage; a Collection of Extracts, Ideas, and Information on Postal Affairs, and Post-office Anomalies. Arranged by Henry Derecourt.
Sermons on the Sunday Historical Lessons from the Old Testament throughout the Year. By Henry Arthur Ai oodgate, B.D., Honorary Canon of Worcester, Rector of Belbroughton, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. Part J. From Septuagesima Sunday to the Second Sunday in Lent inclusive.