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Tits Royal Family returned to Buckingham Palace on Monday ; arriving there from Windsor at four o'clock. On Tuesday, the Queen and Prince Albert visited the Duchess of Gloucester ; repeating the visit on Wednes- day, and also calling on the Duchess of Cambridge. The Royal children have also visited the Duchess of Gloucester. Her Majesty and Prince Albert have thrice been to theatres this week—to the Princess's on Tuesday, to the Lyceum on Thursday, and to the Haymarket on Friday. At a Court held in Buckingham Palace on Thursday, General d'Osholm, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the King of Denmark was presented to the Queen by Lord Clarendon, and had his first audience.
Dr. John Bowring, Governor and Commander-in-chief of Hongkong, Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China, was knighted by the Queen, and took his leave.
Among the guests at the Queen's table this week, have been Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, the Turkish Minister and Madame Musurus, the American Minister, Lord Mulgrave, Lord and Lady Raglan, Lord and Lady Wodehonse, and Lord Aberdeen. The Queen will hold levees at St. James's Palace on the 22d Feb- ruary and the 8th of March.