SCOTLAND. Arrangements, it is stated, have been some time in
contemplation fer accomplishing the union of the Ring's College and the Marisehal College at Aberdeen. Dr. Jack, the Principal of the University of Lug's Col- lege, died on the 9th instant, at the advanced age of eightysain.
George Jackson, one of the two burglars engaged in the great and jewel-robbery at Glanow, which was so narrowly frustrated by an old
watchman, has been tried at the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh. The jewellery stolen from Mr. Raft's shop was valued at 30001.; but it will be recollected that the whole of the Plunder was dropped by the burglars when they were detected. Jackson's companion escapee!. Re was convicted, and sentenced to be transported for me.
An "improved" mode of garotting has been tried at Glasgow : for- tunately, it failed. One of three ruffians threw a noose over a gentleman's head ; it rested on his forehead ; the gentlemda threw it off, struck out with his stick, and hit one of the ruffians a smart blow, upon which the gang ran off. Three men have since been arrested on suspicion, but the gentleman could not sufficiently identify them to warrant their detention.