A Long Chase. By K. W. Eady. (Sunday School Union.)—
Jack Umberville has a father, an African explorer, whom every one else believes to be dead, but in whose return he retains an unfaltering faith. How he and his bosom friend at school resolve to find him, and start on their expedition with the not very ample resources which two schoolboys can command, is the subject of an amusing chapter. The serious part of the tale follows. The search does take place, and is followed up through some very romantic adventures. A Long Chase is an excellent story of its kind.— Another story of adventure, which will be found worth reading, is Randal/ Davenant : a Tale of the Mahrattas. By Captain Claude Bray. (Warne and Co.)—The scene is India ; the time is the time of Olive; and the chief historical event is the battle of Paul- put. When the reader hears that the hero is a lad unjustly expelled from school, .who enlists as drummer in a regiment ordered to India, he will be able to foresee what kind of a book he has before him.