Ondy A Guard-boom Dog. By Edith E. Cuthell. (methuen And
Co.)—This is a really charming story. Gerald Graham, the little son of an officer living in Aldershot Camp, saves a dog ; and the creature becomes, so to speak, the preserving......
A Long Chase. By K. W. Eady. (sunday School Union.)—
Jack Umberville has a father, an African explorer, whom every one else believes to be dead, but in whose return he retains an unfaltering faith. How he and his bosom friend at......
The New Exodus. By Harold Frederic. (w. Heinemann.)—it...
be understood that the main interest of this book is not literary, and that it is one the substance of which it is better for a reviewer to describe than to criticise. Mr.......
Imogen ; Or, Only Eighteen. By Mrs. Molesworth. (w. And
R. Chambers.)—This is not a very pleasant story ; but it is well in- tended and well worked out, and may, not impossibly, do good. A plot is laid, half in malice, half in......
Under:pressure. By The Marehesa Theodoli, 2 Vols. (mac-...
Co.)—This is a series of "Scenes from Roman Life," and very striking and effective these scenes are. The Prince and Princess Astalli are Romans of the old type,—nobles who......