English Cathedrals Illustrated. By Francis Bond, M.A. (G. Newnes. 6s.)—This
volume is an attempt, says the author, "to make the study of the English cathedrals more interesting." It is an easily portable conspectus of the whole subject. Furnished with this, we may go over England and Wales and gain a fair working knowledge of all the cathedral churches, the twenty- seven which have an ancient title to the designation (Ripon was the seat of a Bishop for a few years after 678; Southwell never was), and the seven (including Southwell and St. Albans) which have been advanced to the dignity in the present reign. The illustrations are from photographs and are good of their kind. —We may mention with this The Church Missionary Hymn-book. (Church Missionary Society. 8s.)—A. collection of two hundred and forty-two hymns, prepared in view of the approaching com- memoration of the Society's centenary, for use at missionary services and meetings.