The Crisis In The Church. To Tee Editor Or The
" SPECTATOR '1 SIB, —In the heat and tension of the present crisis, when party enthusiasm tends to make us forgetful of something far greater—Christian charity—may I call......
Confession And Comprehension.
[To THE EDITOR, OP TER " SPECTATCHt."] SIR,—With reference to the controversy as to the "discreet minister of God's word" and his ghostly counsel and advice, spoken of in the......
Mr. Llewelyn Davies And Disestablish- Ment.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —Mr. Llewelyn Davies says :—" For the English people to disestablish the Church would be to throw away one of the noblest and most......
An American On Expansion.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you allow a native American to say a word in response to " Audi Alteram Partem " (in the Spectator of February 11th)? I profess to......
[to Tee Editor Of The "spectator."]
Sin,—Without attempting to discuss your general argument as to the " white man's burden," I should like to say a few words on "the grand fact," which you proclaim, "that on the......