Lord Russell of Killowen, speaking at the opening of a
technical school at Kingston on Saturday last, made some very sound remarks on honest trading in its relation to company promoting and the taking of illicit commissions. He would make far more stringent the laws obliging people who appeal to the public to invest in a company to state evety fact known to them which could influence a reasonable man in investing. Upon the subject of illicit commissions he was going to bring in a Bill this Session. " He had been forced to do this by his knowledge, partly professional and partly judicial, of the canker of this system of secret commissions, to which many men who held their heads high up were parties, —a canker of commissions illicitly received and given to the prejudice of the honest and upright trader." We wish all possible success to the Lord Chief Justice's Bill. Nothing could possibly be more demoralising than the present system of secret commissions. That system is often nothing but veiled bribery.