18 FEBRUARY 1905, Page 2

The King's Speech, which was read from the throne by

King Edward, opened with the usual review of the political events of the year. No new light is shed on our relations with foreign Powers, except perhaps in the paragraph on Macedonia, where, after stating that the Austro-Russian scheme had brought "some amelioration" of the state of the disturbed districts, and that progress had been made in the reorganisation of the gendarmerie, the Speech continues : ‘‘ These measures have still to be supplemented by radical reforms, especially of the financial system, before any perma- nent improvements can be effected in the administration of these provinces." The list of measures to be brought before Parliament in the Session includes Bills dealing with Alien Immigration, the Unemployed, Scotch Education, Workmen's Compensation Act Amendment, a Ministry of Commerce, Valuation Law, Naval Prizes, and Agricultural Rate Act renewal. Redistribution is alluded to first of all; but the term used is "proposals,"—as opposed to "a Bill" or "legislation."