Last Saturday Morning M. Kossuth Was Received By The...
Emperor at the Hof burg in an audience which lasted for an hour. If M. Kossuth has the historical imagination, he may have recalled another interview with another Hungarian......
President Roosevelt, Speaking At The Lincoln Anniversary...
York on Tuesday, made some pointed references to the race problem. He asserted that their efforts should be directed to secure to each man, of whatever colour, equality of......
On The Confidential Communications Made To Him, In The Words
"lack of foresight, discord, and stoicism." Generals and Admirals maintained a miserable and relentless strife up to the very day of the capitulation, withholding assistance,......
T He Only War News Worth Recording This Week Is Con-
tained in Friday's Times. It is from its Tokio corre- spondent, and recites an official telegram from the front showing that the Russian cavalry have attacked the Japanese and......
On Monday At The Sitting Of The North Sea Commission
in Paris the British and Russian Governments presented their conclusions. The British representatives argued that there was no torpedo-boat present among the trawlers, and that......
We Are Loth To Say Anything That May Influence Opinion
against Russia at this juncture, but it is impossible to keep silence over the shocking episode reported in the St. Peters- burg correspondence of the Temps, and reproduced in......