18 FEBRUARY 1984, Page 17

Sir: Gita Mehta's observation that 'it is particularly ironic that

the imperialist Kipling can make Indians sound convincing and that the anti-imperialist Scott cannot' invites an attempt at explain why this should be so.

Scott, like any other progressive, is an exploiter by nature. He exploits his material to make his points and in so doing robs his characters, British or Indian, of their 'life'. Not so with Kipling. If Gita Mehta recognises her countrymen in Kipling's work that is because there was a 'sympathy' between Kipling and the subject of his work which allowed him to create living characters. The progressive writer cannot do this, for the sympathy, the creativity, yes, the love are not there. His characters are objects not subjects.

Robert Tate

44 St Michael's Place, Canterbury