18 FEBRUARY 1984, page 35


Lewisitis P. J. Kavanagh I n a recent interview the writer Nor n/ 1 Lewis admitted sadly that he had stoPPe reading. It came upon him suddenly , `li_ i ke be o terminal disease'......


No. 1308: Idle thoughts Set by Jaspistos: Various eccentric ideas have been put forward as to how the unemployed could be put to work on government money for the benefit of us......


Brotherly love Raymond Keene T f two relatives are paired to face each "other in the final round of a tournament, and a high prize depends on the result, my expectation would be......

No. 1305: The Winners

Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked for a light but heartfelt valentine with all the ends of the lines rhyming. That was badly expressed — I meant rhyming the same way —......