change displaces servants of the past, it as cert i . y i iieplaces
theta with the richly-endowed servants of the futore,..ii (1- i ,, ,I.) p.qao1 1,. REFISION OF THE PRAYERJ-ROO.Ificalord LosiflO5t,j1.00i JiiiinttPy 1851. A short time ago, you ineertetla'lefter from me dn. illoilliftijokof some -de- sirable changes in the services_ of our Church,. subh:osisbemaltxchne to in- volve no disputed point; Every week's .e1sperieuectseenaa toe rnake it more plain that. the Archbishop ofCanterbury is •on very., serous ground in- deed when he gives it: as his opinion that recent ern iiiiiist postpone the work of Church Iteforin. It appears that the Bishop of edon has done all he ventures on doing ; has accepted resignatien6 of eleitymbri, and ordered that there shall bo no more lighting'Of candles.But wholv:sheple enough to believe that the causes of dissension are relayed r: ' The etentling evil re, maills-rra Prayer-Book ordering the priest to do a great isanp,things which he neithgrfioes nor calf do, or which lie may be an object a' tn. hatred and to the 'royer-Book, Si- have morning and evening serviCeidaily. He may centedeing,glis parish in attempting to do. lte may and &light, according and- ' 'Ego:keep all'AEW Sainti da3-s, and to fast Est the appointed vigils. l'heselgermatteni of iikeibip-e,cdramaial. There ifrilQ reason)Why the com- Maall foktkeiclitirchibellls,tolliim,fOr pravershouldAte obemehl,in one parish cr4,1's riWit,apftrrettp(n, , 7.991y Zen,roliiiiliteetlitt U..'enl-,,tilltes 04 eci,n1;crielei! IA nest] "rtadTildayk.'intaine'Til Olilii.` I aty`iiethifigohout the dif& etittY ittfhirding. pritfitii-eonagoilf it6 ftalaw ,iirddtitddlby [some clergp. men: but I believe most firmly, that if the Are ofi4Zatiterbury and his brdtlirerf,cannot put forth thprohapids,,tp (terobs ,,aroti in this her sore Perlh mane, ve7=7,11115#11bRIS19. Illie 1 • Adsppect, and the laiU-will be obge,.0 ink, ,4 t v work uao .41. . (1s. ITe PPS.- pone thilidea of reformat sifehrif -ciiiiiSTAI 'au 'oj -, .. RPtAitiliPtlintl dishotiaiiil, ,IWItc-sItalirstry;;Miltifeliracr, ladredi)cw tao:. ti ,,t :111hicof malice might d3614tthelthdihy-tieettrigeotiihnntananfat inaetina:bluille emergent:1y lik thoMghoe4eeleoi*fleqalOwert5 i)i )4110),S4Piithk tioftg#12: be. mss taken: Hardly can the Church recover her i Areraptest course q5*Iii):3!ititilhIgilliTt hiipiefil: ..' - ri.49.44.1--.