French Politics.
Paris, January 16. For once, the pelitical eonflict now waging here really involves a principle. Furthermore, it is capable of being clearly understood. The French, are young in......
The Debate On The Resolution Proposed To The French Assembly
by Id. Remusat's Committee proceeds without any very exciting interest. The speeches of mark have been—an effective one by !!if. Lasteyrie, on the she of the Committee,......
Two Men Lost Their Lives Yesterday By A Sewer Accident
at Islington. The Commissioners are driving a large tunnel-sewer from Church Street to Cross Street, at a depth of twenty-four feet, and under the tunnel containing the New......
The Peerage Sustains A Third Loss In A Single Week,
in the person of the Marquis of Northampton ; who died yesterday morning, at Castle Ashby. The Marquis was father-in-law of Viscount Alford; and the death of that young nobleman......
SATURDAY. It is now understood that the Government have decided upon the sur- render of the Window-tax, and the substitution of a moderate house-tax. There is reason to hope......
Money Market.
Strom EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArricaSocin. The Stock Market has been heavy, and it continues depressed. There is evidently an indisposition amen.. capitalists for long investments:......