The debate on the resolution proposed to the French Assembly
by Id. Remusat's Committee proceeds without any very exciting interest. The speeches of mark have been—an effective one by !!if. Lasteyrie, on the she of the Committee, denouncing the supporters of President Bonaparte as revolutionists ; a speech by M. Berryer, avowedly raising the Legitimist flag, declaring that the Count de Chambord is no conspirator but the eAled Sing of France; and an elequent reply to M. Berryer, in defence of the 'Republic, by M. de Lamartine, who shows a leaning towards per- sonal adherence to the President, and is named as probable Ambassador to England.
The advices from Bayonne concerning the Ministerial crisis in Madrid are now confirmed from that capital itself, but without details. Narvaez had retired to France: -his fall arose out of differences with the Queen- Mother. M. Pidal and 31. Mon were likely to have the formation of the new Ministry.