18 JANUARY 1851, Page 13

Ix 'tlic aggregate d Wif i litiinfi' i l y lpif s e than

couuterbalancedli ,.., , : 1 titloiii. ' edia f tears

to deparing Wien `-', — " VW t!, 4 ,iiegTet is more7tiinsient thY is f ''is seldom we recalluthe dyin#'*titirdlinit a VI mil fit as he was when in full life. ''liaLite'Srcitiii 'l• 1-iresr6 Wildr fear . than for confidence. As old friends-pass-away, therefore, and new ones arrive, WI dieing& .i1 nitartalitY 'gkel its'tbeitalifbitinlitei past, and for .the. !Ore Hope, the childlaf ItenioryTilnynyl. ' &generation. On I whole, the con:Tens0km .#!,,,,grepte5 Ike loss :- net O ia ',the departed replaced by tbnafirrAftrii ,A0araiver adds to the inheritance of the 'depart4 emirs Kipepionew re- sources of haraan art. The Ihakeiefi such iqA 'igene ; an honest Wory of the oldest a- 64,?_„1-Wlial" tiled t . of his

party in the best faith. Iklilm,Wap on wia" p irist, Pitt the "Heaven-born. 3linisten.,k,Relbrin, au abOrein on, Rotten

Boron& theLsiMpl-eihistitiition.aiqf a.golden age e, e, the fourth IlakejiAaaa earn*, ail: cl.honest,. Ilit obsolete. emise replaces that 41.4e of the Pest by one ready know S.:s1 ,Efirl of Lin- caln„4pOnservative of the present timeftlia,t a shy, one of the party,Thase vocation Peel converter from being 6 obstructers of all Change into being the prndentiatreaulatershitinaprovement. The general absolver 'Death has linried. die haralmro011ections of fd the ehl Duke, and has at the. 4nie time repla "..that worn-out pillar of the stateby one perfireVy sound and e Cite: -The_ same *isolations await- us in the wort of art. The,Ra- phael Of the past never dies,Iiiit testifies to us the unborn Raphael of theluture. , Pasta, in her letters to Parodi, fineryii,beerves, that even the. singer who passes out of Sight and hearing:may exercise. such aninfluence on art that it,Shall be immortal, although it be not traced,to its author. While we watch theirjaSt efforts of the last survivor among English tragic actors and a 4-ail* farewell

. . ..

to3„faeready, we read with delighted hope how spe electrified by tli,e„,uPpearance -, of. Caroline Duprez,—a .r, 4ion of the

great tenor-singerin the form of a beantifal, '''' , Wed by na-

ture-with a fine voice, and by her father wilffe ale eqteducation, The aristocracy of art cannot die ; its tenure iS'irn e Cal : born of the marriage between impassioned nature and _lute., eeita.1 eiviliitt-:.

tion, the race will grow stronger with the pRegres tine. Its. influence extends beyond that of an lise egislature;

Air it is limited to no country, and it rides,„ yi e executive

power of the state, which rebellion may gui ,pr,eyertiun, but .

by the force of men's own feelings and wi in ,,'ids the greater power is more stable ; and if in this regieb0.124_art also Dior-LIT