'the Pope has sanctioned the division of the united Catholic dioceses of Milne and Ross, and the restoration of the bishopric of Ross on an
independent Sooting 1.13% ,Mosphy, the inconiheot of the joint see, Aril be Bishop of Cloyne; and Dr. Slattery, the Archbishop of Cashel, has received the Pope's bull consecrating Dr. Kean, late P. P. of Middleton,
as Bishop of Ross. ' ' t ' ,
A generally well-informed Irish journal, the Cork Reporter, annouriees on what it considere nperfectly, ood authority," that the decrees of the Thurles Synod "'oriltnothee tined by the Spvereign,Pontif f and will consequently not take effect.' The _Freeman's Journal copies the para- graph, butAdds,-,", Chu ireurces of intelligence world lead us to predicate
exactly the reverse." .
The agitation against the project to abolish the Irish Vice-royalty has received a slight impulse by the adhesion of Dr. William Stokes the phy- sician, and Mr. Whiteside the barrister—both men of very high profes- sional eminence in Dublin. Mr. Robert Holmes, the Lather of the Irish bar, "who, although eighty,four or eightyefivo years of age, is still in pos,session of all those-fine faculties which have rendered his nameillus- trious," has declined' to join the . movement. Ho considers it "airain, futile, and sad attempt,' to prevent the exercise of t a 'system of legislation and policy which; appearntothineto be thenatural consequence of thetwnion of Great Britain and Irelanddrito one kingdom, and tho infliction of that
union upon Ireland." :'
The Irish Court •of. Delegates agave judgment .on Saturday in the ease of ThewleseerseaRelly, whkh was an.;appeal. from a sentence of the Irish. Pre- rogative Court., dated February last; .establishing: the validity of an :instru- ment propounded, byellary ; holly,-- the widow of Mr. Edmund Kelly* for- merly of Merrion Smiate;. Dublin, rui,thet lard will and testament of her husband. Mr. Kelly was a solicitor, who left real property worth 30001. a year and.peroanal-property Amounting to at -a' quarter of million. He had illegitimate children,; and neer collateral relatives; but iu.thfi went propounded by, his widow all his relatives were cut oil; (wit one trivial exception,) 'dud the whole of his Wealth was left to herself. ' The'ap- pellaut was a lady;?the first cousin of Mr. Kelly ; and:the giound of 'her appeal was; that :the; .Neill established bytthe Court`balow was obtained by undue influence. Mrs. Kelly seems to. have been of a doUbtful .courselife in her earlier days, but she was a woman of extraordivary faseinatiOns: her .case'assuined the fact of a inarriage•between her and Mr. Kelly as long ago as l821: but it seems that slie-was married again many years after, and thenceforward' passed as the testator's undoubted wife. Her influence was unbounded; and it seems to have been exercised in the nitrimer of " mentalcompuleion," to bring about arrangements whereler the:-testator deprived 'himself of anytfurther testamentary control over his props after the dispoSition of it.iu-favour of Kelly had once been made. n, the course of the :preeeedinge to,tipset the will, a Mr, Malone toek h, eoupe which the Court deecribed'ap abontieable" in respect of certain letters-dis- closing a fraudulent- convect between Malone and Mrs. Kelly, niia,..eopme years ago, wider received some immediate pechniArY,led- vantage, and the promise, 4,40. Kelly's hand in marriage. after her hus- band's decease : of Mrs. Kelly WOuldlie gratified; and Mr. Malone would be:fo ; rewarded for his risk. These letters became public through a men-Mill/ry quarrel between Mr. liftilone and Mrs. Kelly; but the quarrel was made up, and Mr. Malone got the letters back into his hands and destroved tb,eu The Court reversed the decision of the Court below, which established the will in favour of Mrs. Kelly ; refused effininis- tration of the effects of the testator to Mrs. Kelly ; and, "as is the practice in all cases of fraud, condemned bias. Kelly in the entire costs incurred ou the appeal, as well as in tile court, below "—a aunt of at least 15,000/. '
A fatal calamity occur-reel at Belfast on the morning of:friday lest week. Mr. Robert Boyd and. the. essrs. Steen were erecting a new this preparing mill of .great exterit. ..The well had been raised to the immense :height of eighty feet, when the thole fell, and buried thirteen workmen wbo.,wpre busy in its:upper floors. Many more workmen were engaged in the ,lower stories, but these effected their escape before the building Actually fell.,' Six dead bodies had tree)! recovered before the evening. The suggested :cease of the accident is the softening of the brick-work by heavy rains.