On Friday, January 10th, the Glasgow and West of Scotland
Unionist Free-Trade Club entertained Lord Cromer and other Unionist Free-traders at a luncheon. The gather- ing 'was' a remarkable one, and representative of the best elements in the business world of Glasgow. We have dealt' elsewhere with one portion of Lord Cromer's speech, but may note here his sound declaration that what Free-traders object to is not all forms of Custom-duties, but Custom: duties for Protective purposes. When a -good- case is Made : out for indirect taiatibn, they can quite consistently support - such taxation. What they cannot support is the notion that a nation can be taxed into riches, and that Custom-dutiet are 'a kind of manure which will make our industries' sprout n and grow. We are glad that Lord Cromer again repeated .his protest against vast expenditure on old-age pensions. He ended by warning his hearers to beware of '" this new-born, ill-advised enthusiasm for' fresh taxation. Like a depravee appetite, it will grow with the' food which nourishes it."