18 JANUARY 1908, page 14
The Growth Of London Pauperism.
LTO VIE EDITOR OF TRB '`SPROTATOR."] SIR,—I am sure you would not wish to convey a false impres- sion of an institution even if you condemn it, or let misrepresentation of facts......
The Indians In The Transvaal. [to Ram Editor Op Thr
"SPEOTATOR.'1 SIR,—I do not propose to tempt your patience with another long letter, but I should like to point out that in your note to my previous letter you appear to have......
The Indian Cotton-duties.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOE.1 Sin,—The Spectator is regarded in India as possessing some- thing like an hereditary interest in Indian affairs, and high hereditary......