And Watchers The new wardens will in some measure fulfil
the part of the sanctuary watchers, though their primary object is to educate the public. All rural England should be regarded as a sanctuary, a holy place where you can saunter or loiter, in sainte terre or la terre, according to Thoreau's false but charming view of the derivation of those two attractive verbs. Of course, the definition of the new wardens is much wider than that of keeper or walker. They are to be volunteers who will undertake under the general guidance of the C.P.R.E. to give information about any act of desecration towards the holy soil of " this England." Their scope and duties are very lucidly and wisely epitomized in a green pamphlet, waistcoat-pocket size, produced by the C.P.R.E. Volunteers are wanted and it would be serviceable if any country person who has a certain degree of leisure would enlist. The only way of preserving England is to *want to preserve it ; but the C.P.R.E., centred in London, needs argus-eyes which can only be supplied by people on the spot.