Bradford Or Baxter?
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I think there can be little doubt as to John Bradford's having used the words : " There, but for the grace of God, goes," &c. I have not......
" The Web Of Thought And Action " [to The
Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I cannot prevent Professor Levy front " having it both ways " ; but I can prevent his " getting away with it" both ways, especially when the......
Sir,—i Read With Interest Miss Macmillan's Letter On This...
in your issue of the 4th instant As I entered the Law sixty-one years ago I have had ample opportunities of witnessing the gradual changes which have taken place during that......
Sir George Goldie [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,...
Stephen Gwynn has criticized certain points in my review of his, and Lady Gerald Wellesley's, book. He asks what lies behind my remark that Goldie was no plaster saint, and......
The Secret Springs
WHERE are the secret springs, and where The hidden source of sudden joy ? Whence is the laughter, like the torrent, falling ? Whence The tears, the rainbow-scattered sunlight,......