IA Book Token for one guinea- will be awarded to- the sender of the first Carreet solution opened after noon. on- Tuesday- week, January 29th,. addressed Crossword.. 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received nor later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 241 stamp. Salutionr must be on the form below- and' none can be accepted from the V.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following, issue.]
I. Medicament of frozen chicken. (8.) 5. Abhorred by Milton. (6.) 9: Outstanding features. (8.) 101 Vessel for the man who has done his dirty- on a charitable day. (63' 12. Worn out. (6.)
13. Why ccunnosers are mid and make money. (83-
15. It might make Eve tura padre, Possibly. (11) 18: What to do if Jocko scratches him- self.. (6. 6.)
23. They work by the way. (8.)
24. All over again. (6.) 26. Miss Richardson's hero. (6.)
27. Vessels. far the hay harvest. (8.) 28.. Chews a nut. (6.) 29. A. view of tobacco. (ID Down
1. Vessel embraced by a poet and prob- ably in one. (6.) 2. Vertical one-way vilricle. (6.) 3. The rate changes. (73 4. Excisions. (4.) 6. This can be found in Ethel's tongue- twister. (7.)
7.. He wasn't fleeced. Rather the other way about. (8.)
8. Assortment of ten gross. (8.) 1 . The sort of noise chanticleer makes 7 (7.) 14. They should meet the right nails. (7.) 16. Dip me ice (anat.) (8.) 17. Changes at the hairdresser's. (8.) 19. Heighten. (7.) 20.. Fed outside the ruined coif, possibly. (7.) 21. " That unhoped - that men call ago - (Brooke.) (&)
22. A chess gambit in step. (6.)
25. I am climbing twice. (4.)