Running For The Presidency
SIR,—May I correct your quotation of Calvin Coolidge's supposedly. equivocal declaration of his intentions regarding the Presidency. In the U.S.A. one does not strike a......
Sta,—In reply to Mr. Gardner-Smith, surely it is tile counsel of per- feCtion if not of purism to demand a respect for the French " eau " in the word bureaucracy ? It seems......
English Books In Canada
SIR,—If by Chambers' Sixty Logarithm Tables Professor Satterly means Chambers' Six-Figure Mathematical Tables, we emphatically endorse Sir Stanley Unwin's remarks. We were not......
Hymn Tunes
SIR,—Of the seven hundred tunes in Cdngregational Praise Sir Norman Birkett mentions only Stracathro. I think no one who really examines the book can fail to be struck by the......
SIR,—I feel Mr. Hilton-Young has rather strengthened my assertion that (apart from war losses) there are more British men than women of marriageable age ; I am quite willing to......
Hot And Strong
SIR,—It sticks in my mind that Coleridge said of coffee that ;t ought to be As hot is Hell— As black as Night— As sweet as Dove— As strong as Death. If in Coleridge, where ? If......
A New Year Card
Sta,—I must express my appreciation of the first prize New Year Card by C. P. Driver. I should have given him the undivided prize. This card should appeal to a wide public: to......
Travellers' Deaths
Sut,—I am interested in the correspondence which is taking place on this subject, and it may be some help to Mr. W. Hilton-Young to tell him that the statistics published in the......
Educational Policy
Snt,—May I eater a plea that the measure of the wisdom of educational policy should not be, as it appears at present in danger of being, solely the financial one. It is......