The Headmaster of Bristol Grammar School, Mr. John Garrett (whose
name is no stranger to these pages) has been making something of a stir with his insistence that boys shall eat what they are given to eat, refrain from losing their own, or misappropriating other people's, property and, if in the sixth form, do three hours' homework per evening.' On the first two points I am pro-headmaster. On the third I admit to doubts. In a day school, where a longish journey to school in the morning and a longish journey home in the evening may be involved, is it really sound to demand three hours' home- work before bedtime ? There must be some time left for a meal, and though listening to the wireless can be overdone a certain amount of judicious listening is educational. The full programme of a sixth form boy's day would be interesting. Let me add in justice that, having myself addressed Mr. Garrett's sixth form, and been well and truly heckled by it, I could find no signs of its being made slow-witted, or even hollow-eyed, by excess of study. -