Lord BROUGHAM, in postponing for a day or two the
fin flier hearing of the everlasting case of " Small versus itz.woJd,- is reported to have said- " We amid, if it were necessary, give you two hours to-morrow morning ; but two hours would make no more impression on this case than tv.m inu•quitoes would on the hide of a rhinoceros."
The simile is far-fetched, and not felicitous. If two mosquitoes could make no impression on the hide of a rhinoceros, no more could two thousand : it would follow, therefore, that the Suss'. and ATTWOOD case would advance 110 further after two months than two hours hearing ;—which, we take it, is not precisely what Lord BROUGHAM intended to say. Could Lord BROUGHAM have been unconsciously likening himself to a rhinoceros, and his assail- ants to mosquitoes, when be made this remark? The bide of the legal rhinoceros is not impenetrable to attacks which the horn of his power can neither repel nor prevent. Not that he is more thin-skimmed than the rest of his race, but he has more weak points. Let him apply the moral of' this simile.