The Orangemen Of Belfast Celebrated The Anniversary Of...
of the Boyne on Sunday, in so riotous a manner that it was fimmi necessary to cell out the military.. We salijoin from the Belfast Northern I iAiq an account of the affray,......
Ithe Eauntrit.
Colonel Henry Wyndham is smelitioned as the Tory candidate for Wtat Sussex at the next election ; the Tories are providing themselves with caudidares in all parts of the......
The Prirome Has Summoned The Irish Bench Of Bishops To
attend ldmi, Lendon, to discuss tool watch the liroceedings of the Govern- ment relative to the Irish Tithe Bill. Already have several of their Lords;:ips proceeded thither. It......
Births, 'marria(es, And 1)eatiis.
On the Sill inst., the ti-if.' of J. A. EOEBrca, Esq., M. P., cf a son, st On the loth inst., at Chelmsford Rectory. the Hon. Mrs. CAREW of a daughter. On the 1111,......
The Bishop Of Down And Connor Has Been Endeavouring To
pro- cure signatures from the clergy of his diocese to a petition against the Irish Church Reform Bill ; and we have no doubt he has been gene- rally successful ; but he seems......
Rt D William Bentinck Has Arrived In Town, In Improved
health. His Lard-hip reached Spithead on Sunday, in the Curaeoa. The Earl of Delimit) left town yesterday, on his mission for St. Peter-hut-g. The noble lord will sail front th......
The Government is fast filling the public depaaments with its po- litical adherents. The Whig newspaper recently announced the up. ',ointment of Mr. William M'Dermott (the......