The Orangemen of Belfast celebrated the anniversary of the battle
of the Boyne on Sunday, in so riotous a manner that it was fimmi necessary to cell out the military.. We salijoin from the Belfast Northern I iAiq an account of the affray, which it will be seen was of a very serd)es description.
" eleven &dens, the Si ely now Orangemen formed in procesian, and Tharcluel to Cu ist Church ; where, we bave no doubt, they were suitably en- tertained by the revere: J:1 preacher. Cleat numbers also went to St. Anne's and Bally macarrett eimealmi ; but we believe they did not go in proccesion to the latter pls'es. Meanwhile tile tow n continued to be in a state of consider- able excitement, a% hich towatals de cc or four o'clock hatl increased to such a leg e .t it was threglit advi:able to call out the military, as the pollee wet e teary un dile a, pae a•rve the peace in every part of the town. By this time an oppo•it p nt Lei been finned, and frequent coliieions at ere taking place ; the resolt f w a:, numerous brolien heads, and in one tame, we believe, one indiv ideal lo ,t eye hy the blow of a stone. Numbers were also rolled in mud, atel kished mitt bewen from (me side of the street to the other. At length a green arch Was raised in the vicinitv cif the Orange ones, in Sitifiy lioW, 'When the militery oolitic were ordered to pull it down. This they did, witlitnit cep erieeein aily considerable oppion. They were tInn ordared to 10111 dmvu die 0,-,,vse eredes • lot• the heed peace-lovine Orangeimen resisted the .1 antleo :ties. Orders were then !paten to the Orttagemen to dlsper•e ; and the iliet Act wae real, iv. we lodieve, ti r. Skinner ; whet, along wit Stsacreign, Mr. Anew, and Chief Con- tilde liken, were actively cup' y d throughout the dav. The military, then eliamed the Oiange party; and met with a volley tit' :oones, one of which kneel:tad down Mr. wound • ing him :et verily, and saveral of the soldiers were struck. It was at hetet:I
considered neeces:Ity to lite ; when one t wing Wein Al soot de vi, and iire or six of the :tssaihetts wounded, some of then! severely ! The street was then partially cleated, hut extreme excitement prevailed to a late liner. From several
parts it the surround count' v, we have heard similar accounts, with the exception of the shedding of blood. At Derriagby, about twelve or fourteen Orange lodges marched to church, and the stelde was adorned with art Orange flag. In Lisbutn, an Orange arch was thrown across the street ; ard Ill Dromorc the Cathedral was surmounted by an Orange flag. In Portadown, and the neighbourhood, similar demonstrations were made."
The Newry Telegraph, a Tory paper, mentions the following oc- currence at Itathfrifand.
"Early this (Sunday) morning, a flag was 'heisted on the turret of the church, which floated majestically in the 'breeze without opposition until about an hour ago; when the Orangemen of the town and neighbourhood, having previously, in compliance with the wishes of their brethren of the Grand Lodge, gone to beat divine service in Ballyroney Church, nearly two miles from Rathfril unaccompanied by either music or flags, or indeed any insignia of the order what • ever, Captain Crofton, C. C., having procured a ladder, proceeded to the church, attended by the police and a large military party, both horse and foot, far the purpose of removing the flag. The gallant Captain forcibly entered the church in the middie of divine service, to the great alarm and dismay of the congregation; aud accomplished his object. III consequence of this indecent, unwarrantable, and, illegal interruption, the officiating clergyman was miller the necessity of abandoning the service of God, amidst the shrieks and tears of many respectable females in the church."