MR. Sracaaares—The remarks in your Paper, to-day, on the proposed alteration in the Marriage-Law, are so good and so appropriate, that 1 cannot but wish they may meet the attention of every Member of Parliament before the meeting on Tuesday, when, you state, the subject is to be brought forward ; and I see no other way of securing this but by having that article printed and circulated. I inclose something towards the expenses.
[The enclosure alluded to was :3/. ; which the printer, Mr. CLAYTON, ap- plied in the manner directed. That is, he reprinted the article, and had it delivered at the lodgings of as many Members of the House of Commons as i were known to be n town, and as the messengers could reach in the course of Monday evening and Tuesday morning. The expected discussion did not, how ' - ever come on : according tothe Vote-paper, it was "deferred till Friday." On Friday, the Committee stood ad among the Orders of the Day ; but the Orders of the Day were pushed aside without ceremony, Friday being " a Government day." In the Vote-paper delivered this morning, we observe the following entry- 4?. Marriage Act Amendment I:in.—Committee defined till Wednesday next." Whether or not the measure shall be any further advanced on " Wednesday next," than it was on Tuesday and Friday of the present week, the extreme uncertainty and confusion which characterize the conduct of Parliamentary business, render it impossible that we should even guess.—En.]