18 JULY 1835, Page 19


Tatum exhibitions of Modern Paintings close to day ;—namely, the Royal Academy, Somerset House; the Society of British Artists, Suffolk Street ; and the New Water Colour Society, Exeter Hall. From the advertisement for letting the Gallery in Suffolk Street, for the Antonin and Winter months, we conclude that the plan of a Win- ter Exhibition of the early works of the British School is abandoned. We regret this, in common with all lovers of pictures. This body has tried to do what the Academy ought to have done, and might have ac- complished. Why have we no exhibition of STOTBARD'S works? The least that the Academy could do, one should think, would be to honour the illustrious members of their body, by making a collected display of their works. But the Academy have no soul. JACKSON, their best portrait-painter, was passed by without this obvious mark of respect ; and STOVIARD, the most poetical designer among them, and the most charming colourist, dies, and not so much as a wreath of his immortal creations is culled from the glorious garden of his fancy to honour his memory.