THE King and Queen dined on Saturday with the Duke
of Cumber- land, at Kew Pulace, and returned it night to St. James's. On Sun- day, the Duke of Cumberland and the Princess Sophia visited their Majesties ; and in the afternoon, the King, accompanied by Sir Ben- jamin Stephenson, took a ride in Kensii.gton Gardens, Hyde Park, and St. James's Park.
Their 3i:6i:sties left town for Windsor on Monday morning. On Tuesday morning, Lord Glenelg had an audience of the King, at Windsor Castle, and returned to town in the afternoon.
His Majesty, attended by Sir Andrew Barnard, came to town on Wednesday, to hold his Levee : the Duke of Cuniberland was at the Palace ready to receive him. The company was far from numerous, but there were more Bishops present than usual : several of them pre- sented addresses against the Irish Church Bill.
The King gave audiences to several of the Cabinet Ministers, and returned to Windsor in the evening.