18 JULY 1863, Page 1


VORTH and South are once more face to face at Gettysburg. 11 General Meade, immediately on his appointment to the command-in-chief, led his army across the Potomac, and started to intercept General Lee, who, with 80,000 men, was advanc- ing on Gettysburg. The battle began by an attack on Meade's advance-guard, commanded by General Reynolds, who fought without sufficient supports, and was compelled to retreat on the main body, with very considerable loss. Following up this success, General Lee on the 2nd attacked the main body, but was repulsed, and renewed the attempt on the 3rd, when he was again driven back, this time with very severe loss, including General Long- street either killed or taken prisoner. According to a notice issued by the President himself, the battle was going in favour of the Federals, and it was believed that General Sedgwick, with a large force of militia, was at York, and, therefore, in the Confederate rear. General Lee's line of retreat was unfortunately open, General French having been summoned from Maryland Heights to reinforce the army of the Potomac. The number of the two armies are not accurately known, but the most probable estimate assigns 75,000 men to Lee, all told, and 40,000 men to Meade, without General French.