Strange Things Among Us. By H. Spicer, Author Of "old
Styles." (London : Chapman and Hall.)—This sketch or "study" as the writer- calls it, of ghostly phenomena, is, as far as the stories themselves go, singularly readable. It has......
Manual Of Photography With Which We Are Acquainted. It...
swarms with useful hints, which are manifestly derived from actual ex- perience, and the knowledge of which will save the photographic student. endless trouble and......
Portraits Of Men Of Eminence In Literature, Science, And...
Parts. I. and II. (Lovell Reeve, and Co.).—The title of this work is a sufficient indication of the nature of its contents. It is a monthly publication, each part of which......
Current Literature.
intended to illustrate the doctrine that morality without religion is of no avail. It is tolerably interesting and not badly written ; and we are glad to be able to find in it......
Wayfe Summers.*
A Nevet written in the autobiographical form should be done exceedingly well, or it is a mistake. This is an autobiographical novel, and it is done very badly. It has this prime......