Sm,—When the thoughts of many are turning from the dust and heat of London to cool and fresh country retreats, let me remind them of the thousands of children whose life is spent in narrow homes and close streets, and who can look forward to no country holiday. Last year our fund enabled visitors in various parts of London to send 5,000 such children to spend a fort- night or three weeks by the sea or in the fields. They were received as guests in the cottages of villagers, where they joined in the life of the family, and some lady-visitor saw to their care and enjoyment.
All came home, bringing a store of health, pleasant memories, and good-will to last through dark and friendless days. The cost was only five shillings 'a week, and to this amount the parents contributed according to their means. This year we would repeat and extend the benefit, aiming to reach those in all parts of London who most need fresh air. From fourteen centres, in the North, South, East, and West, visitors are now seeking pale and ailing children as they are to be found in the schools. I cannot but think that as your readers remember these children, they will take off from the margin of their holidays enough to make the full holidays of their brothers, the poor.
Donations should be sent to F. Greene, Esq., at his office, 1 Adam Street, Adelphi, W.C.—I am, Sir, &O.,