Ireland Has Suffered A Great Financial Blow. The Bank Of
Munster suspended payment on Tuesday, as a result, it is said, of a decision in the Irish Vice-Chancellor's Court against the Directors of the Bank, delivered at the end of June......
On Thursday Evening Mr. Balfour Moved The Second Reading Of
the Medical Relief Bill, and received, very uncomfort- ably, the effusive thanks of Mr. Jesse Collings for his goodness in going far beyond what he himself had ventured to......
Mr. Arthur Arnold (m.p. For Salford) Has Drawn Up An
excellent programme for Land-law reform, which has secured the cordial approval of Mr. Bright. Its points are,—(1), the abolition of the law of primogeniture ; (2), abolition of......
Mr. Trevelyan Delivered An Interesting Speech At...
on behalf of Mr. Peel, the Speaker, who is the candidate for the enlarged borough of Warwick and Learning- ton for the next Parliament. He spoke with very great warmth of Mr.......
Lord Salisbury, In Moving The Second Reading, On...
the Housing of the Working Classes (England) Bill, paid a high tribute to the tact and ability with which Sir Charles Dilke had conducted the Commission of Inquiry into the......
An Influential Meeting Was Held Last Tuesday, At The Mansion
House, in support of the fund for the endowment of the new See of Wakefield, which is to be carved out of the diocese of Ripon. The Bishop of Ripon pleaded earnestly and......
The North Lincolnshire Election Proved To Be A Great Triumph
for the Conservatives, Mr. Alderman Atkinson being returned by 4,052 votes against 2,872 given for the Liberal candidate, Sir H. Meysey Thompson,—majority for the Con-......
On Wednesday Lord George Hamilton Moved For A Select...
"to inquire into and report upon the circumstances under which the expenditure and liabilities incurred by the Admiralty under the recent Vote of Credit have exceeded the......
In The House Of Lora On Tuesday, Lord Northbrook Made
his statement concerning Sir Michael Hicks-Beeeh's ohmage that the Admiralty had underrated its expenditure on the Vote of Credit by £850,000, and that it had only found out its......