Westminster Abbey. By W. J. Loftie. (Seeley and Co.)—This is
a revised version of some very able sketches on the architecture and history of Westminster Abbey, illustrated by some remark- ably good engravings by Mr. Herbert Railton. Mr. Loftie rarely touches a subject without suggesting some new views and throwing some new light on it. His observations, if not always sound, are generally acute and always to the point. In his criticisms of the monuments which form the chief attraction of the Abbey, he gives outspoken utterance to thoughts which must impress every one of taste and intelligence who visits them, but which few dare to express. His heraldic chapter is extremely fruitful and novel. His attacks on the " restorers " who threaten to deprive us of all that makes an ancient building ancient and gives it its charm, if a little too often repeated, will awake a sympathising echo from every breast but that of the destroyers. But Mr. Loftie can admire the work of the restorer when he is really restoring and not destroying, as in the splendid revelation of the Chapter-House by Sir Gilbert Scott. But whether attacking or admiring, reciting or criticising, Mr. Loftie is always interesting and never dull.