A Life's Devotion. By Lady Virginia Sandars. (hurst And...
the writer has elected to treat the more tragic aspects of life, we are not sure that a relation of uninteresting life, say in Ireland, would not have suited her capacity......
Life And Writings Of Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor Of
England, and Martyr under Henry VIII. By the Rev. T. E. Bridgett. (Burns and Oates.)—Carlyle and Emerson, we are told by Mr. Fronde, agreed that Sterling must not be made a......
The Meteoritic Hypothesis : A Statement Of The Results Of
a Spectro- scopic Inquiry into the Origin of Cosmical Systems. By Norman Lockyer, P.R.S.—Perhaps the most striking part of Mr. Lockyer's hypothesis is the beautiful solution it......
Sir Richard Church. By Stanley Lane-poole. (longmans And...
sketch of Sir Richard Church's military career has already appeared in that most valuable record of deserving and unknown historical services, the English Historical Review.......
My Life With Stanley's Rear - Guard. By Herbert Ward....
Windus.)—Mr. Ward tells his own story straight- forwardly and with only the necessary reference to the other officers of the expedition. He and poor Barttelot never, as he says,......
Westminster Abbey. By W. J. Loftie. (seeley And Co.)—this Is
a revised version of some very able sketches on the architecture and history of Westminster Abbey, illustrated by some remark- ably good engravings by Mr. Herbert Railton. Mr.......
Something About Horses, Sport, And War. By H. S. Constable.
(Eden, Remington, and Co.)—Out of this rather amusing jumble of remarks, we gather that Mr. Strickland has an honest hatred of " low-type " races,—democrats, humanitarians, the......